Investing, Side Hustle, Property, Personal Growth, Books All The Honeys Investing, Side Hustle, Property, Personal Growth, Books All The Honeys

How to invest your first 1000

One thousand pounds is a lot of money. It takes effort to save it and the last thing you want to do with it is to let the Cookie Monster - inflation - eat that dough. Which means you want to put it to work - invest it. Let me share with you today how you could invest that kind of money today.

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Investing, Financial Independence All The Honeys Investing, Financial Independence All The Honeys

Too old to start your Financial Freedom journey?

Financial Freedom is promoted by younger and younger generations. And when you’re not in your twenties, say you’re in your forties, fifties or sixties… and you see all those wrinkle-free, enthusiastic faces on social media, maybe not on TikTok but on YouTube, you might feel that it’s loo late for you and that you missed the boat. And that could essentially cause so much apathy that you will give up before you start. And you know what? I disagree with this kind of attitude so today I’d like to talk about what to do when you feel exactly like that - discouraged, too old to give it a go and transform your financial life.

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Possible exit routes

Some of my YouTube channel viewers told me a while back that it'd be interesting to see how I'm planning to withdraw money from my investments once I hit my big number. And as outlandish as it seems to think about it now, where I'm nowhere near that number... we could agree that with a bit of imagination... anything is possible.

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