1-to-1 Coaching

Are you ready to leave the "not good with money" identity behind and experience the joy of living in a state of financial wellbeing?

This is a 1:1 hands-on 3+ months programme of money mentoring. It's designed for you to develop long-term, sustainable ways to reach your financial goals.

This is you

  • You want to feel good when thinking about your finances but checking your bank account balance makes you so anxious that you avoid it altogether

  • You want to have a clear picture of your financial situation but are convinced that it would take a lifetime to get to the bottom of things and it's probably too late to make an impactful change anyway

  • You know all the should's: "should budget", "should save up", "should sort out my pension", "should start investing", but your brain switches off the moment you hear all the financial jargon so you doubt if you will ever understand it without a degree in finance

  • You have some moments when you feel optimistic about your financial future but then slip back into old habits and feel defeated, wondering if you will ever "be good with money"

  • You want to save and invest for your future but you feel you wouldn't know where to begin. You see there's so much information out there and you work for your money so hard that you don't want to make reckless decisions

  • You want to pay off your debt but you also want to save for your future and feel confused about which one should be your priority

  • You want to feel OK when your long-term investments are in red, trusting the process, but feel unable to resist the temptation to tweak, improve or sell your investments, which makes you feel anxious and exhausted

I know you've been telling yourself that this is just the way it is - some people are good with money and others are not and you clearly belong to the second camp.

You promise yourself to sort out your finances one fine day, when you are better-off, more organised, more disciplined and more ready to do this adulting for real.

You live for the moment as nobody knows what the future brings and hope that things will take care of themselves when you're older.

You're telling yourself focusing on money is not important, feels wrong and dull, never questioning the origin and consequences of your beliefs.

You're convinced that worrying about your investments is a given, calculating your losses and missing out on sleep every time the markets go down.

How about if this were you instead?

  • Imagine not needing to check on your finances daily or weekly as you know where you stand with your money. Your pension is organised and you know its value. Your household budget actually works and is a breeze to look after. You no longer rely on credit cards to save you when you're in a financial pickle. You're clear about your smaller and bigger dreams, and smile every time you think about them - as you know your savings are growing steadily and it's a question of "when", not "if" for them all to come true.

  • You're fully aware of your money stories and beliefs, and can move beyond them, choosing healthier, braver options when dealing with money. You ask for that raise. You apply for that better paid job. You go freelance. You have a deep conviction that you are worth it.

  • You're a walking proof that you can experience financial wellness without withdrawing to scarcity and lack. Your budget does cover avocado toasts and lattes.

  • You no longer believe that money is complicated. You tell your friends how easy it is to start investing. And how smart, too.

  • You're a saver! You're an investor! And you know it's so awesome that you cannot help but shout about it.

  • You go to sleep calm, trusting that your day's worth of financial choices benefit your present and future you.

What if I told you…


…that it's possible to become good with money without overcomplicating it? That it's a question of introducing a few strategies and tools that will help you take care of your finances?

What if you knew that it takes a very little effort to see great results, as long as you're prepared to approach money with friendliness instead of fear? That you don't need to stay in the endless anxiety caused by your paycheck to paycheck living loop?

What if you knew that investing is for everybody, not only "the ones who have money to lose it"? That you have my full confidence in you achieving your financial goals and can’t wait to work with you?

  • “I contacted Marta because in her presentation she transmitted the feeling that I’ll be in the right place being accompanied by her. And in fact she showed herself always available. Before contacting Marta I was with my reading all over, but with no idea what to do, who was right with his analysis and rating. The coaching helped me to find the right answers to Marta’s questions in professional territories and in my psychological state regarding investment. New possibilities opened for me to consider and to try. I am today much more confident, objective, and no more driven by compulsive ideas and drives. I have good tools in my hands to analyze the balance sheet of a company and to decide by my self, how to proceed. I have a strategy, I have a plan and I enjoy the intellectual challenge.”

    Eli, psychiatrist and yoga teacher, Australia

3+ Months Money Transformation 1-1 Coaching

Investment: £850/month (payment plans available)

  • Assessment

  • One 90-minute deep-dive session

  • Six 60-minute coaching sessions

  • Personalised action plans, worksheets and templates

  • My support on demand (Monday to Friday)

“As a non-financial professional with years of experience in personal finance and mindset coaching, I will be your partner and support you to achieve your money goals.”

Here’s my story


I ended a long-term relationship in which I was the person without financial know-how.

I would lose my sleep over money and even in the shower calculate whether I would be able to keep the house I co-owned with my ex-partner. Suddenly I needed to understand where my money was going every month and put it to work.

I had to quickly learn to increase my earnings, consistently save and start investing.

All this while not losing sight of the present moment, taking care of my health and having some fun written into daily living.

Since taking care of my money…

I managed to keep my London house and own 50% of it outright, easily overpaying my mortgage every month. My lazy investments strategy and a private pension pot of £200k mean I'm on track to be able to retire at least 18 years before my official retirement age.

I now manage my finances the way I could only dream of in the past - budgeting according to my values, spending on what I love, repeating simple strategies, building habits that actually stick and never thinking about money in the shower.

I changed the way I approach thinking about wealth and prosperity. It doesn't need to be a cookie-cutter process fuelled by not knowing your "enough" and never-ending comparing yourself to others.

Here’s what’s included in your programme:

Investment: £850/month (payment plans available)

  • Deep-dive session. Our first 90-minute call will be spent on talking through your financial struggles and goals, to make sure we know what to focus on in the following weeks. This will be a chance for you to talk money freely, without being judged.

  • After each coaching session, personalised action plans, worksheets and learning materials will land in your email inbox. These will be for you to go through and implement between our calls. All in plain English and short-attention-span-friendly chunks to make sure you actually do follow through with the work.

  • Six 60-minute coaching sessions (spread over 12 weeks). On these bi-weekly calls you’ll get my direct attention. We’ll get a chance to go deep on the progress you’ve made so far, help you understand how you can move forward from the struggles you’re experiencing and decide on how to improve your financial decisions going forward.

  • You will have on-demand access to me via email Monday to Friday to help support you when something unexpected comes up. This way, instead of having to wait until our next call, we can troubleshoot quickly and help you stay on track with your goals.

“It's nice seeing real-time actions and behaviours over curated advice that is hard to apply realistically”

— Hazel

This programme is for you if:

  • You feel it's time for you to face the music, stop making excuses, do the work and experience astonishing results

  • You know that it all starts with you - your mindset, relationship with and beliefs about money and you feel ready to challenge what doesn't serve your financial wellness

  • You've tried but feel that you need some help with financial heavy lifting so that you can be aware of your weaknesses and develop a stronger money mindset

  • You want a coach who's been where you are and has made all the big and small choices that you're searching for to create financially healthy lifestyle in line with your values

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I used to think in similar terms when I tried to justify not investing in a personal fitness training.

    Now that I’ve been working with one, I can see the value of customised coaching even more. When you pay for something, you are fully committed. Investing in a personal trainer saves me time, makes sure I’m being challenged and encouraged to go for my fitness goals.

    Money coaching is similar. It’s an investment that, with a bit of work, guarantees good returns.

    It’s not a saving challenge, it’s not a DIY course. You’ll get personalised 1:1 support from me and that increases your chances to succeed.

  • I work with a very limited number of clients, to make sure I offer the best service.

    Money coaching, just like any type of coaching, is a dynamic and so it’s best to make sure we’re a good fit for each other.

    A quick call right after your application will let us get to know each other better and decide whether to work together or not.

  • Of course you can. Information is free and easy to get.
    However, what we’re doing in this 1:1 Money Coaching Programme is changing behaviour. And that is challenging, that goes deep.
    As your coach I will make sure you get the right mix of relevant information, challenge and support so that you actually do complete the programme and transform your financial life.

  • About 2 hours every week. Some weeks will be more intensive than others.


You’ve made it to the bottom of this page and I know what you’re thinking: it’s scary. Trust me, I’ve been where you are now. Many of my clients tell me they almost didn’t take this step and transform their financial lives. But growth doesn’t take place in your comfort zone and it’s necessary for you to make a decision to take action. It all starts with this simple step.

  • Apply

    Fill in the application to see if we’re a good fit for each other

  • Follow-up

    I’ll go through your application and you will hear from me soon after.

  • Start

    We’re ready to to schedule the first call and work on your goals.

Ready to become good
with money?


6 Weeks Intensive